Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Uncompensated hospital costs are skyrocketing - wonder why?

NYT Feb 9 article:
"Nationwide, the cost of unpaid care for hospitals, which includes charity care as well as money that could not be collected from patients, was around $36 billion in 2008. It is expected to spiral higher. The number of people without insurance in this country could increase to as high as 58 million by 2014, from about 49 million now, according to an estimate by the Urban Institute."

Hmm..where is this surge in the uninsured coming from??

Dr. Samuelson's recent op-ed article on Obamacare in the Washington Post: "A wild card is immigration. From 1999 to 2008, about 60 percent of the increase in the uninsured occurred among Hispanics. That was related to immigrants and their children."

Hmm. So the leftists import masses of impoverished Third World people into our country. They then scream there is a growing number of 'Americans' without health insurance and that it is a moral imperative we [white Americans] do something about it [pay for it]. Is it unreasonable to ask why we need to continue importing poor people when they are merely swelling the ranks of the uninsured, turning a manageable problem into an unmanageable one?? Oh yes, questions like this are heresy in the religion of Liberalism. When it comes to issues that intersect with race/immigration/culture, we must turn off our thinking caps and become automotons. Don't ask impertinent questions. Shut up and fork up.

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