ACORN - the left-wing organization Obama represented as an attorney and where he taught Alinsky's "rules for radicals" - has officially collapsed due to a lack of funds. (Yahoo AP, March 22)
Was it conservative groups and Republican lawmakers that brought down this group? Nope. They had tried unsuccessfully for years to cut the group's federal funding (yes, our taxdollars were funding this anti-American and anti-white organization!). The organization was brought down by one man - the conservative activist James O'Keefe.
The right abhors the in-your-face activism that is the hallmark of the left. And this is understandable. Conservatives respect process and tradition, and tend to work through legitimate political channels for change. In normal times, that is fine. But the country is a run-away train that is heading off a cliff. We need to use what works. And if one thing can be said of leftist-style activism - it works!!!
Leftist organizations need to be infilitrated and exposed with videotapings made of their members' radical views. This is the age of Youtube.
A favorite trick of the left is to find some crazies in conservative organizations or gatherings - and then use them to tarnish the image of all conservatives. For example, to discredit the Tea Partiers, the mainstream media recently zeroed in on a few protesters during the recent anti-ObamaCare rally in Washington to paint all Tea Partiers as "racist" and "homophobic." Yahoo News reported March 22 that "some demonstrators hurled racial and homphobic epithets at Democratic lawmakers as they entered the Capitol." The Yahoo article linked to a New Republic article detailing homophobic epithets directed at Barney Frank - but there was not a single report of a racial epithet! I can guarantee you if there were racial epithets hurled, the leftist media would give us the juicy details. But nothing. Nada. Which leads me to believe that the media just assumed these protesters must be racists because they deigned to aim their criticism at both white AND black lawmakers. Criticism of black lawmakers by whites is by definition racist in the eyes of the media.
Anyway, the point is that conservatives can play the "guilt-by-association" game of the left, and in general we need to update our arsenal of tactics. Send in people to videotape leftist demonstrations such as Sunday's illegal alien amnesty march in Washington. Interview the protesters on video and expose their stupidity and radicalism on Youtube.
It's interesting that very few people in this country identify themselves as liberals or leftists - and yet the direction of the entire country is moving in this direction. Why? Because the in-your-face tactics of committed leftists - few in number but highly active and vocal - actually work.
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