This healthcare overhaul is nothing but a big transfer of wealth from mostly white middle-class Americans to the hordes of impoverished Third World immigrants the leftist elitists continue to force upon us. This is ridiculous. If we were still a majority white country, I might have considered supporting a bill like this. But this is grand larceny on an inter-generational and inter-racial scale. (See my many posts below about how Third World immigration has swelled the ranks of the uninsured in this country.)
"To pay for the changes, the legislation includes more than $400 billion in higher taxes over a decade and cuts more than $500 billion from planned payments to hospitals, nursing homes, hospices and other providers that treat Medicare patients." (Yahoo AP, March 21)So the leftists are going to thank the Greatest Generation, which saved us from fascism and Nazism, by cutting their healthcare benefits! Why? Because Obama knows older white Americans vote overwhelmingly Republican and he'll never get their votes. And they're going to screw white middle-class Americans - the bulk of taxpayers in this country - by taking more of their money in taxes to transfer to dysfunctional minorities. Maybe we can't do anything about the Medicare cuts - but we can do something about taxes! And I ain't paying. Withholding taxes? Fine, whatever, but everything else is fair game. Screw them. I've had enough.
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